Editor's note the content in this blog deals heavily with mental health anxiety depression and suicide which maybe difficult a triggering for a sound readerEditor's note the content in this blog deals heavily with mental health anxiety depression and suicide which may be difficult or triggering for some readers
If you or someone you know is thinking of self harming help is just 3 digits away on your phone the suicide in crisis lifeline is now reachable by call or text at 988 chat services are also available through the services website help is available in more than 240 Languages and there are services for the hearing impaired by dialing 711 then 988 the national suicide hotline designated at federal legislation designating 988 as the 3 digit dialing code for the lifeline Was signed into law in October 2020 according to the CDC there were 45979 deaths by suicide in 2020 the most recent data available this is one death every 11 minutes the lifeline says for every death another 316 people seriously consider suicide.
So mental health is a topic that is uncomfortable and difficult to speak about nearly 1 in 5 US adults live with the mental illness so to distigmatize Mental illnesses and gain a better understanding of how mental health impacts an individual we're gonna look more into it I think Mitchell health is very persuasive it interferes and affects almost everything it's not a separate entity it's all one and the same.
So there is no secret that as Africans in America during the sixties seventies and fifties our parents and grandparents where detrimentally hinder from being able to progress and succeed so that they can make sure their children and grandchildren would be able to be successful so even black students open up about unique struggles one student indicated that a good amount of older people in the black community's views on college are that you go to college for 4 years once you get to graduate you get a good job but it is so much more than that cause pushing a kid through college and they themselves don't know what they were wanting to do is a struggle it's so that costs money as well people say tough it out well, our patents were nkt able to "set us up" and You have to set a child up to be able to succeed; because if you don't have the financial abilities of these institutions. In addition, to taking out all these loans thinking that "oh, as soon as I get the job, I'll be able to pay it back" they get themselves in to an even deeper hole.
So exactly where have all the therapist gone the truth is we don't have enough providers the whole mental health system has been under the rest just to try and have enough providers in the midst of having enough hours in the day to see people the Justice system has felt the weight of the shortage as well mental health and criminal risk therapeutic interventions have been proven to be most effective in treating Justice involved individuals but jails and prisons don't currently have the capacity to provide those services so there's more inmates than there are treatment providers The field itself can be a mentally straining one to enter however covid 19 opened up licensing to a much larger audience and create it An opportunity for many providers to go into private practice. The training in education for mental health providers has changed over the years as well leading to a fewer providers entering the workforce at a more consistent rate one psychologist said I think our training cycles are slow and too small we're not training enough providers and we're not training them fast enough psychologists will quiet around 10 years of University training and the training is becoming more extensive as new developments arise in the field the number of students a program can accept has decreased because there are not enough teachers to teach them In addition to that there are already barriers in place and the barriers are increasing in number so as a result you have fewer options or fewer providers So in turn that's just going to exacerbate some of those barriers that are already in place.
You can check out this article in detail at the dailyegytian.com